
Saimaa adventure (summer)


Summer Saimaa adventure gives your group a bunch of challenges that are needed to be conquered.

Bigger groups are divided to smaller 10-20 person teams that compete with each other. First challenge for the teams is to create their own unique name. Points are awarded to the most extraordinary team name, so imagination is needed.

Each team is given a map that contains clues and directions to “survival” challenges. Then teams start moving from challenge to challenge.

Survival” challenges:

Build a half platoon tent

Team needs a shelter,a warming place, so a tent needs to be built. To pass this challenge smoke needs to come from a chimney and a tent needs to be properly set up.

Treasure Hunt

Bunch of treasures is hidden in the hotel area and teams need to find at least some of these if they want to finish on the podium.

Axe throwing

In Saimaa area axes sometimes are needed to be thrown, let’s see who’s up to do it.

Quad bike track

At least one member of the team has to complete skill circuit. Quadbike has to go over some trees and other obstacles.

Reindeer lasso

A reindeer is needed for transporting teams, but first it needs to be caught. Team has to lasso a reindeer successfully.

Throwing of ram testicles

Some parts of the ram are not good enough for eating and team has to throw those parts where wild animals cannot reach them. Well, let’s see who is the most accurate thrower.

Cross-Country waterskiing

Maybe somebody has tried water-skiing but only a few cross-country waterskiing. While traveling on skis a skier gets extra points for picking up treasures on the way.

Disc golf

The purpose of the game is to pass through a course from beginning to the end using the least number of throws. The team with the  lowest score gets the best points.


Hunger is hitting the teams and food is on sight but teams need to shoot it first. And don’t worry, no animals are harmed in this sport.

Hunting slingshot

If archery didn’t fit to everyone, we have other option for catching the food.

Paintball shooting

After a short practice round we will see which team is the most accurate paintball shooter.


Event day always includes award ceremony in the evening!

Suitable: 10-200 people

Duraton: 1-5h depending on group size and selected activities



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